Red Ribbon Week Hits DHS

Liliana Murillo and Martha Tovar

Red Ribbon week is celebrated all over the world to bring awareness and inspire people to be drug-free. At DHS, the student council has taken the responsibility of creating programming, messaging, and declaring dress-up day themes for the high school campus to encourage them to participate in a fun week, but also weigh the importance of the Red Ribbon drug-free national campaign.

Red ribbon week is celebrated on the last week of October and originated in 1985, to honor the sacrifice US DEA special agent Enrique Camarena made when he was brutally murdered by drug traffickers in Mexico. The National Family Partnership, an organization created after the drug trafficking incident started wearing red ribbons in honor of agent Camarena. Over the years, schools around the world began to wear red ribbons and have a themed week where everyone dresses in red to spread awareness. 

During the planning process of Red Ribbon Week, students come up with dress-up days for the week and different ideas on how to spread awareness. Normally, the student body will create posters to hang all through campus to show that this week is approaching. The elementary school passes out red ribbons for all students to wear aiming to show that they are drug-free, at the Middle school there are several assemblies informing students and staff about the dangers of drug use. Students are highly encouraged to partake in the activities that are set for Red Ribbon week to show support and recognize what drugs are capable of.

This year’s week included the Grim reaper selecting students and staff to “pass away” from drug and addiction-related incidences. Those persons wore a sign for the rest of the day and were showcased during that day’s pep rally.

“This year’s decided themes are: Monday wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week, Thursday dress in all black to black out drugs, and Friday dress in school spirit. These were the only three approved spirit days by the principal, Juan Michael Gonzalez” says student council sponsor Betsy Leal.