Earning her spot

Hailey Darby, Staff Writer

Staring at a bassoon eager to learn how to play, what all the different pieces do, loving the angelic noise the instrument made, was a young Amelia Robinson.

“It was the summer before sixth grade when I chose to play the bassoon,” Robinson said.  “My mom wanted me to play something that was uncommon, so I chose the bassoon.”

Amelia has never regretted her decision, she has worked hard, and put her heart into truly learning the instrument for all it really is.

“Even if I were able to travel back in time I would not change my mind on my decision,” Robinson said “I have never loved any instrument as much as I love the bassoon, deciding to play the instrument was one of the best decisions I have ever made.”

Now as a junior, hours of practice and hard work have paid off for Amelia. On Saturday Jan., 21 she earned a spot in the Youth Orchestra of San Antonio (YOSA).

“It’s like a taste of being in the San Antonio Symphony,” Robinson said. “I love music, and it makes me so happy to be apart of YOSA.”

Robinson showed up to the auditions, bassoon in tow, with high hopes for a spot in the Orchestra. However she wasn’t expecting to do as well as she did.

“I got second chair,” Robinson said. “I’m not complaining though, the first chair is really good, and she earned her spot.”

She played hard with her heart for her spot, and left with nothing more than a happiness dancing about her body.

“I think if there was one word I could use to describe how I felt, it would be happiness,”” Robinson said. “I worked so hard to earn my spot and realizing that I succeeded was so exciting.”

Being in the Orchestra, Robinson has had to dedicate many of her weekends to hours of work and practice needed for the Orchestra’s production.

“We meet for two hours every Sunday and it’s non-stop running through the music,” Robinson said. “I feel a sense of happiness, I know I am volunteering a lot of time, but the results have been great.”

Robinson had mixed feelings going into her first concert which took place on Sun. Feb., 11 at the Tobin Center located in Downtown San Antonio. The auditorium was packed, and the performance was exhilarating.

“Performing in front of thousands of people was the coolest musical experience of my life,” Robinson said. “I have never felt a rush like that, and I can not wait for our next performance”