DHS student section


Sydney Rendon, Staff Writer

Traveling to most sports events, the student section is loud and proud. Students don’t hold back from standing up and showing their school spirit on game days. With the small amount of students at Devine, they can get loud. They cheer everyone on, and most would even say that Devine has the best small town student section.


“I think we are the best student section Devine has ever had,” senior Jacob Oyola said. “This year everyone wants to participate and have fun.”


They have a Twitter account to update the student section members about the theme for each game or event. The leaders Oyola, Gehrig Runyan, Brady Cardenas, Cristina Ramirez and Karlee Shelton come up with the themes. Usually it’s a certain color like black, pink, and white.


“It’s really exciting to support our athletes, show our spirit, and get rowdy,” senior Isaac Solis said. “It also hypes up the players when they see fellow classmates cheer them on.”


Confetti poppers, baby powder, party streamers, face paint and Devine students make for a great student section. They try to make everything fun for all of the members and the athletes they are cheering on. That is what school spirit is all about.

“We will be heard.” @DHSstudent_sec said.

The student section at the volleyball game against Navarro.