Unplug and Engage


Kelsey Hornsby, staff writer

Sisters Emily and Abby Kohlleppel are members of FCCLA who have the opportunity to present their project “Unplug and Engage” during the open house at the Elementary.

“Presenting our project to students and families is important to us because we have a strong family bond and would like others to have that,” Abby said.

Their message is about how young kids should put down technology and to enjoy the people around them. “Unplug and Engage” is also helping young ones learn social skills early in life to help them become successful in their future.

“With our project we hope it will promote the importance of family time, even with family game nights and how they can have fun.” Emily said.

They will also present to second grade students at genius hour on Friday Feb. 24 and at the elementary open house March 7.

“Expanding our outreach at the open house will help spread our message not only to students but their parents as well,” Abby said.

To bring more attention to what they are trying to teach they got Chick-fil-a to be a sponsor.

“Since Chick-fil-a’s toy of the month is a family game it was sweet of them to donate 200 games to help our presentation come together,” Emily said. “I’m really excited to present to students and their families.”