Cupcake wars

Shiana Mercer, Staff-Writer

“Cupcake Wars” is a project that the AP students do as an assignment to help them remember the information for the AP test they will take in May. Students are assigned a classical civilization and decorate cupcakes or other yummy desserts to symbolize their civilization’s culture and history.

“This assignment is to review the information learned about the classical civilizations in a fun and yummy way,” Mrs. Roseanne Lopez said.

Participating in the Cupcake War helps the students retain knowledge about the different empires in a fun way.

“Together, Lindsey Spannagel, Shi Mercer and I had Greece,” sophomore Trinity Woods said. “This assignment helped us to have a deeper understanding about our empire. We explained the different kingdoms within Greece which helped the other students in our class better understand our civilizations.”

This “war” is held during the class period as the students present their project to the class. This allows the students to have an assignment that’s not as stressful or just out of a textbook book.

“Actually creating the designs for the cupcakes helped my partners Abby Whitaker and Chloe Serafin better understand the kingdoms of the Roman Empires. This also allowed us the extra knowledge to explain the information we learned by putting that information on cupcakes to the class,” sophomore Lydia Zapata said.