Ford tough Warhorse

Janely Perez, Staff-writer

Junior Jack Zimmerle won the Ford Tough player of the week during the Lytle football game three weeks ago; having 328 rushing yards, 34 carries and 5 touchdowns.

“I’m very honored to get this award and I didn’t expect it; I was like “wow!” about the rushing yards and touchdowns, ” Zimmerle said. “I was very shocked, then I realized how blessed I was to have a good team behind me.”

Jack doesn’t seem to be taking all the credit and glory for himself. He feels that he couldn’t do this without his powerful offense.

“I could not do this without my boys blocking for me,” Zimmerle said

The coaches and players are very proud of Zimmerle’s accomplishment. Despite coming back from an injury, Zimmerle has been putting up big numbers for the Warhorses and looks forward to continuing to as district comes up.

“I hope this has an impact on the future Warhorses so they know that hard work always pays off,” Zimmerle said.