Running together


Shiana Mercer, Staff Writer

For the first time, both boys and girls Cross Country teams will practice together. Coach Khera Vay is the head coach for both teams. Coach Alex Oyola, who is new to Devine’s coaching staff, is assisting Coach Vay this year.

“I am excited to be coaching the boys and girls this year,” Coach Vay said. “I think it is going to be beneficial to both teams.”

This is Coach Oyola’s first year to coach a cross country team and to coach in a public school. He has coached club basketball for seven years.

“Being my first year coaching I think it’s a great opportunity to be introduced to the athletic program and its athletes,” Coach Oyola said.

According to Coach Vay, the season has been going great. The first couple of meets have gone by quickly. The Cross Country teams have been working hard.

“I enjoy the new workouts and the team bonding that we do during practice and at the meet,” senior Julio Guerrero said.