Band hears a Division One

Vanessa Oyola, Staff-writer

The band has been working hard all year and their hard work paid off in their last competition. They earned an impressive Division One for the first time in five years.

“We got a Division One and it was exciting. It’s been five years since we won and we performed well,” senior Erica Hewtty said. “I’m sad because its over and this was last year of being in band. I’ll for sure miss it and always remember the memories I got from it.”

Junior Kiara Lopez is excited for the upcoming year and she feels that next year they will be able to advance and be way better then they are.

“It was relieving after five years of not receiving Division One. It just shows all our hard work we have been putting in to get better,” Lopez said.

Senior Rudy Rios was emotional after this big win because he feels that the band has earned it and they have put in the hours and work to get the score of a division 1. They all feel a big relief and stress free after this. Now it’s time to just cheer on the football players and have fun with it.

“It’s great to know we got Division One after all these years, and great to experience with all my friends. I’m also happy I got the chance to be able to have a solo and help my team win,” Rios said. “When I found out what we got scored I broke down into tears.”