FCCLA gets the scoop

Group hosts annual ice cream social meeting


Brooklyn Anderson, Staff Writer

FCCLA is doing a lot of things in the school and community right now and will continue to throughout the year. One of their first events, the ice cream social meeting, was held Sept. 25.

“FCCLA is a great way to meet new people and have a chance to get lots of scholarships,” sophomore Victoria Vega Ortiz said. “The events we do, like our ice cream social, are to get the word out about this organization.”

FCCLA often puts on food drives to give back to the community.

“Our projects are also centered around family and community,” junior Pricilla Rodriguez said. “My group, which consists of India Garcia, Katelyn Whitley, and I, speak out about bullying in Devine.”

FCCLA also does many fundraisers to financially support their projects and competitions. One of the most popular is their hit cookie sale, where they sell cookies to students and teachers on campus.

“I think selling cookies is a great idea,” sophomore Colton Bean said. “It’s a smart and delicious way to raise money.”

Raising money isn’t the only thing the young men and women of FCCLA are concerned about, however. They speak out about important issues in society.

“We have spoken to the elementary, intermediate, and middle school campuses to try to raise awareness in our community about the problems students may face, like bullying,” Rodriguez said. “It’s really important that they realize what goes on in our society and I’m glad I get to be a part of that.”