I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice cream

Dallas Gonzalez, Staff Writer

     Keeping up the traditions of getting the seniors together and celebrating their last year  before taking off into the real world, senior sponsor Mrs. Jana Dudley has made this year a success. This year the Ice Cream Social was held at Lexie Summerlin’s grandparent’s house allowing all of the seniors to gather around and play games, give gift cards away and much more. 

“It was really bittersweet knowing that it is one of the last events we have with each other as a class before we graduate,”senior Anyssa Villanueva said.” It was really a great event because I learned some things that I didn’t know about my classmates.”

Eating ice cream, filling out future plans, reading them out loud to all of the senior class, eating cookies and gift card drawings were some of the things that the seniors where able to do at the Ice Cream Social.

“The ice cream was my favorite part, and the the little gift card that they gave out for for Pizza Hut and Sonic was great too,” senior Cynthia Ramirez said.

Each senior was able to write down their future plans on paper and then have Principal Byrd read them out loud in front of the Current Events club. When Mr. Byrd called a name, he or she , would stand up and wait while he read out loud their plans for the future.

“My favorite part about the Ice Cream Social was hearing about everyone’s plans after high school,” senior Lexie Summerlin said. “It was really enlightening to see what my fellow classmates want to accomplish.”

There is still more senior events, like the Sock Hop, powderpuff football, powderpuff volleyball, Around the World party and graduation. These memories might be bittersweet for many of the seniors, it’s all about leaving behind their childhood and advancing into the real world trying to succeed in whatever they choose.