Return to field events

Brianna Bowyer, Staff Writer

After taking some time off, senior Dana Aaron rejoined the throwing team for her senior year. She began throwing in middle school but chose to focus on running events in high school until her last season.

“In the beginning of high school, I had the chance to throw again, but I didn’t have as much experience as the upperclassmen,” Aaron said. “I chose to only run until my senior year.”

Not only does Aaron throw discus, but she also runs the 400 meter relay, the 800 meter relay, and the mile relay.

“Being in both running and throwing events can be very stressful and challenging,” Aaron said. “Sometimes my throwing event takes too long so I’m not able to finish my event and have to go run.”

Even though Aaron competes in multiple events, she works hard on each of them. Her personal records are a throw of 92 feet, a time of 12.5 seconds in the 400 meter relay, 26.3 seconds in the 800 meter relay, and 61 seconds in the mile relay.

“I look forward to every meet to motivate myself at practice,” Aaron said. “If I push myself at practice, I’ll have a chance to better my personal records.”

After she finishes track practice, Aaron drives to the throwing rings to begin her throwing workout. She throws about 100 throws in a single practice and doesn’t leave until it’s too dark to practice.

“Since I have to finish my running workout, I’m late to throwing practice,” Aaron said. “I then stay late everyday after practice until the sun goes down to finish all my throws.”

From press to full rotation, there are several steps to help the discus thrower achieve more power to go farther. The steps include press, mid-ring, South Africa, and full rotation.

“I’m still working on getting the basics down again,” Aaron said. ”With practice, I get all the steps down so I can get as much power as possible.”

Since she recently rejoined throwing, Aaron’s main goal is to be able to accomplish her full rotation. This will help her get a stronger throw.

“Each step will give me more power,” Aaron said. ”I am currently on mid-ring and practicing to get the full rotation.”

Aaron will not be continuing her track career in college.

“I would love to continue my favorite sport in college,” Aaron said. “But I’d rather focus on my education and career, so it would be difficult to balance all three.”