Student-led change

No soccer team, no problem for junior Anthony Limon

Brooke DuBose, Staff Writer

Many students enjoy playing soccer, but they do not get the opportunity to because the sport is not offered at school. Junior Anthony Limon wanted to make a change by creating his own soccer team for students to join.

“I love soccer, it’s a passion of mine,” Limon said. “I thought it would be great for the other people who love soccer to be able to experience games. Also, it’s fun to play and interact with others who enjoy the game as much as I do.”

Many small schools do not offer soccer as a sport to participate in.

“I believe all schools, big or small should have a soccer team,” Limon said. “It’s great for young players to have that available to them, plus it’s a great way for kids to interact with one another while doing what they love.”

The team plays in a league in San Antonio and are signing up for the Director’s Cup in April.  The Director’s Cup is a restricted entry competition open to any teams that are not in the President’s Cup or State Cup. The Director’s Cup competition finishes at the State Level.

“I’m excited and nervous at the same time for the Director’s Cup,” Limon said. “I know our team will do our best, and it would be just such a cool and fun experience to get to play in it.”

For many, soccer is a great way to express themselves and have fun doing what you love, especially for Anthony.

“I think soccer is the most beautiful sport in the world,” Limon said. “Whenever you’re watching or playing, it feels great. It’s a way to be physical and get challenged in a competitive manner.”

Limon encourages other students to give soccer a try and maybe become a part of the team one day.

“Soccer lets us express ourselves and it’s just an overall amazing sport, and I believe more people should give it a shot,” Limon said. “I would love for some students to come watch us play once or even practice so they can see the level of  excellence we’re trying to achieve.”