FCCLA competes at Nationals

Abby Kohlleppel, Staff Writer

This summer two Star Event teams and a Region V Officer traveled to San Diego, California to participate in FCCLA Nationals.

“I was excited to go to California, because I got to compete against people from all over the nation,” senior Andrew De La Garza said.

A Star Event is a competitive event that builds proficiency and achievement in leadership and job related skills. Andrew De La Garza, Hailey Wells, and India Garcia all competed in the Star Event category.

“Star Events allow students to interact with others, improve their public speaking abilities, and helps them create a work ethic just like in real life,” FCCLA advisor Madeline Stuebing said.

De la Garza and Wells presented their Star Event over the topic sexual abuse. They taught several grade levels how to recognize and prevent sexual abuse. Their presentation earned silver at nationals.

“We chose this topic because we had a friend that was having trouble with this issue and we wanted to help them and the community,” De La Garza said.

Garcia competed and earned gold for her Star Event titled Super Safety Squad. She taught kids about safe driving and traffic safety importance.

“India’s presentation was super cute with costumes and skits along with her board that had a lot of details,” Stuebing said. “She taught car and traffic safety to every Devine ISD campus and really spread the word about the importance of it.”

Rafael Rios traveled to San Diego to fulfill his Region V Officer duties. He competed at regionals in Corpus Christi for his position titled VP of Peer Involvement. This job requires him to keep the attendants at the meetings entertained and motivated.

“I always try to keep them laughing,” sophomore Rafael Rios said. “One game I like to play is called pterodactyl, it works on the ability of communicating with others.”

Not only did they go to meetings and compete, they got to visit the San Diego Zoo and go on a boat cruise on July 4 to watch the fireworks.

“I was really excited that I got to see a panda,” Rios said. “The spiritual animal parade was also really cool.”

While building skills needed for life, FCCLA allows you to experience different cities and meet new people. Next years Nationals conference is being held in Nashville, Tennessee.

“I do plan on competing again this year, you get to experience new things and help the community all at the same time,” De la Garza said.”

Seniors Andrew Del La Garza, Jamie Stein, and Hailey Wells take a picture while on a boat.