Everybody knows that libraries are for checking out books, but soon students will be able to check out iPads like they would a book and take them home.
“The purpose of having iPads on campus is for student use and technology to have access online to a portable device.” Director of Library Services Shirley Wimett said.
Recently, DISD received a grant, which allowed DHS to purchase four iPad Learning Lab Carts (one for each grade level). The carts have 25 iPads per cart and of the 100 iPads on campus, half of them will be eligible to be checked out on Fridays from 2 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. by the students’ parent and returned the following school day to the librarian. To be eligible to check out an iPad, the student must be in good standing with the library and have no late fees owed. Their parent must have a valid driver license and they must fill out a user agreement form.
Some may wonder why iPad, and the answer is simple; by allowing students to take iPads home, it enables them to review background information outside of class, practice challenging math concepts, or improve language acquisition skills; iPad truly deepens teaching and learning. iPad is a powerful education tool that put anytime, anywhere learning directly into students’ hands. DISD has installed educational Apps and various Ebooks that students can take advantage of. In addition, students and parents can request additional Apps or Ebooks and they will be added if they are determined to be educationally relevant.
“iPad encourages kids to use technology, which is definitely our future.” Ms. Wimett said.
When an iPad is checked out, the student will receive the iPad with the protective case, the charger and the carrying case. In the event the iPad is lost, stolen, or broken while in the care of the student, there is a replacement fee of $600. iPad is an expensive piece of equipment and should be handled with extreme care. Additional rules concerning iPad use is clearly stated in the User Agreement for Borrowing iPads. With the recent purchase of the iPad carts at DHS, the district as a whole now has 12 iPad carts or 300 iPads.