Grand sweepstakes
Band members meet biggest goal
April 15, 2019
As the end of the year approaches, the band has achieved one of their biggest goals for the year. The band received sweepstakes at the Region 11 UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Competition in Pleasanton.
“I knew that everyone was doing their best, and no matter the outcome it would be worth it,” senior Amelia Robinson said. “When Mr. Miller came onto the bus and told us we earned a grand sweepstakes, it was an amazing relief.”
A sweepstakes award is when the band scores straight ones throughout the entire competition, which includes marching, sight-reading and concert.
“You have to be good at not only marching, but also musicality,” senior Derek Weinstrom said. “So, you can’t just focus on one thing. You have to be able to do all three and everyone has to be talented and on the same page.”
For each section of the contest, there are three judges that awards a number rating ranging from one to a five. One is the highest, most-valued score a band can receive from a judge.
“Depending on the year and the people bringing different skills, receiving straight ones in general, not to mention across the board, is pretty uncommon,” junior Josephine Taitano said.
Earlier in the year, the band received straight ones in the marching competition. This means that they had already met one-third of the requirements to earn an overall sweepstakes.
“You can’t get the grand sweepstakes award without the ones in marching, so knowing we had already gotten that part was encouraging,” senior Dulce Rodriguez said.
The last time that the band received this honor was in the spring of 2010. Since then, there have been countless hours of practice towards earning this award.
“Knowing we were the first group in over nine years to achieve this award makes me realize that all of the hard work was worth it,” Robinson said. “It’s cool to know that we are making history.”