Painting spirits bright

Art students line hallways with murals


Kaylah Hollembeak, Staff Writer

Making the holidays just a bit more cheerful at DHS, art students are painting beautiful murals to line the hallways around campus with fun quotes and holiday colors.

“I always look forward to the mural projects,” sophomore Brooke DuBose said. “They make me happy because it’s such a fun way to get into the holiday spirit at school.”

Every six weeks, the art students are given the same project, to make a themed mural. Students are given one week to plan, design and paint their murals. Once finished they are hung in the hallways for the school to enjoy.

“The murals add cool designs to the hallways,” sophomore Robert Ramirez said. “They also send important messages and lift spirits as students walk down the halls.”

To help make it easier to finish the murals within the time limit, students are able to pair into groups of two or three to work on the project.

“Working with partners teaches us how to work with others and share cool ideas,” junior Dolores Sanchez said. “It’s wonderful to get the opportunity of sharing the art created with friends.”

Not only is the project a fun and challenging way for students to work with each other and lift the holiday spirit around school, it’s also a competition. Every time new murals are hung up around the school, teachers can vote for their favorite. The three groups with the most votes win cool prize baskets filled with snacks and drinks.

“The competition part is a fun way to get every body working hard,” junior Fiona Lyle said. “Win or lose the project is still fun.”

The mural themes throughout the school year start off with fall, then winter, Valentine’s Day, spring and students end the year lining the halls with murals decorated with fun quotes and paintings to celebrate summer and the end of the school year.

“I choose the theme for my mural based off of the season and then looked up inspiration for my design,” Ramirez said. “My favorite is Christmas because it involves so many colors.”

Right now the hallways are lined with murals decorated for Christmas and New Years to celebrate the upcoming holidays.

“We chose to paint Santa in the North Pole with the Northern Lights in the background.” sophomore Jordan Mobley said. “We were inspired by the Northern Lights because they are so beautiful and Santa and his elves add a fun touch of Christmas.”