At DHS the play watches you

Jo Taitano, Staff Writer

This year’s Fall Play was “The NSA’s Guide to Making Friends and Influencing People, Or What We’ve Learned from Watching You.” The play followed the main character Tom as he took a tour of the NSA.

“The main character is applying for the NSA,” senior Jaiden Angulo said. “He travels along with NSA agent Gabrielle on her NSA adventures.”

The play is a comedy about NSA agents who snoop in people’s lives.

“It’s poking fun at the idea that the FBI is watching people by showing the agents popping into people’s lives,” freshman Charlie Johnson said.

The play is comprised of scenes that highlight the “benefits” the NSA can provide. The two main characters gave students confidential information to face typical high school problems, such as when they gave a student a wire-tapping device to find out why everybody hated her.

“The play says that the NSA helps you make friends because it lets you know things about people,” freshman Malachi Jackson said. “I think it would be really useful in real life because the NSA knows everything about everyone.”

The play’s performance date was moved back from late October to the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break. The delay caused some students to lose their focus.

“The delay gave people more leniency, and a lot of people lost their sights on the play” sophomore Logan Gonzalez said. “The week before the play was the most productive.”

The play was put on for the students during the school day. The public performance was later the same day.

“The play had a bigger cast this year,” Gonzalez said. “I’m not going to lie, this year’s production was pretty hectic, but everything fall into place at the last minute.”