Scooping up senior year

Seniors attend annual Ice Cream Social

Julia Martinez, Staff Writer

For the class of 2014, everything is coming to an end. Memories and all the times they spend together from now on as a class will be one of their last. The second senior event was the Ice Cream Social, which was held on April 8.

“I had a lot of fun, but, it was sad at the same time because these are the memories I’m going to miss the most,” senior Lexie Summerlin said.

The Ice Cream Social is when the senior class gets together to not only eat ice cream, but also to hear about what their peers have done throughout high school and what they plan on doing in the near future.

“It was really interesting and enlightening to see how the seniors interacted with each other outside of school,” senior sponsor Jana Dudley said.

Walking down memory lane for some seniors is bittersweet because of how many memories they have shared with their peers throughout high school. The memories made at the senior events are some of the last memories they will  share as a class.

“I like how it brings us together because it’s our last chance to make memories together before we go our separate ways,” senior Lane Spannagel said. “Senior events are bittersweet because we reflect on all the times we’ve spent as a class yet we know this is going to be one of our last.”

Upcoming senior events include the Sock Hop, which is on May 19, and the Around the World Party which will be held on May 30.