OAP advances to area

Julia Martinez, Staff Writer

One act play advances to area by placing first in the district meet, which occurred in Lytle on March 28. Their play, named “Erydice”, was about a couple in love and as she disappears into the underworld, he follows her but then forgets about her existence when he gets to the underworld himself.

“I’m very proud of my cast and crew because they really put in hard work,” drama teacher Desiree Chappelle said.

The following  awards were awarded to the Devine OAP cast and crew: Rachel Cottle, best actress; Kyle Saathoff and Hayden Jacobs, all-star cast; James Pedroza, honorable mention and all-star cast; and Karina Gonzalez, all-star crew.

“We all got close and worked well as a team,” junior Catherine Duncan said. “I’m so excited about area because I know we can do really well.”

The area meet will take place on April 12, in San Antonio at Maddison High School.

“I’m exited to see how well they compete against bigger schools,” Mrs. Chapelle said.

Well, all that can be said is break a leg!