The shocked, terrified expressions on the student body’s faces as they stared at the horrible crash sight before them. Two cars totaled with students inside crashed, all as a re-enactment of a potential drinking and driving accident. “I know that from this point forward I will never be distracted while driving,” sophomore Jackie Brown said. “I don’t want to become a statistic.”
On Friday, March 8, 2013, this eye-opening scene took place.
“Watching the emergency responders pull some of our students out of the crushed cars was a horrific experience,” sophomore Tanner Rice said. “I know it has affected my decisions for the rest of my life.”
Many of the student’s lives were also affected greatly by the personal stories from community members such as; Mrs.Ovalle and Mr.Wendel during the final presentation in the gym.
“Mrs.Ovalle’s story affected me the most,” sophomore Clark Toalson said. “I couldn’t stop thinking about the pain and suffering the family is still going through.”