Tilley competes at state tournament

Jessica Gonzalez, Staff Writer

The Devine Warhorse golf team made it to the Regional meet. They competed to win and fortunately one came out on top. Junior John Tilley swung his way to first place which lead him to compete at state. The state meet was held in Bastrop, Texas at the Pine Forest Golf Course. 

“I played well enough to play in the final group, even though I did not get the result I wanted it was a blessed experience and ended up with 76-85,” Tilley said.

The first day was better for Tilley than the second and he ended up placing top 15.

“He competed very well  but the competition was a lot tougher at state and the golf course was a lot more challenging than in his past tournaments,” Head Coach Gary Schmidt said.

Even though Tilley didn’t get the results he had hoped for, he represented Devine very well.

“I learned a lot and am ready to use this experience and the head to head competition to travel to Austin again and get the ultimate result,” Tilley said.

This was Tilley’s first trip to play at the state level.   Although Tilley’s season had to come to an end he had a successful run and will come back with a bang for his senior year.

“For his first trip to state he handled it very well, I know he’s not pleased with the way he played but what he learned and got to see will pay big dividends for his upcoming senior year,”  Coach Schmidt said. “I’m very proud of him for this season and I think the best is still yet to come.”