Warhorse, Arabian basketball teams travel to Regional Tournament

Dallas Gonzalez, Staff Writer

After traveling to Corpus Christi to play in their respective quarterfinal games and suffering tough losses, the Warhorse and Arabian basketball teams are keeping their heads up. The boys fought hard to play the Hidalgo Pirates, ending their season with a score of 51-48, and the ladies battled it out on the court with the Boerne Bulldogs and finished with a final score of 63-26.

“It was a tough loss but a great experience,” sophomore Kara Stacy said. “We didn’t know what to expect but now we will know how that environment feels and can be prepared for next year.”

The Arabians haven’t gone as far as the regional tournament since 1992, and even though the first trip there was somewhat disappointing, the girls managed to carve out their spot in history.

“We’re a really young team composed of mostly juniors and sophomores, and it’s a great feeling to know that we still have years to come,” junior Alyssa Schmidt said. “And since Bourne will be in our district next year, we know how they play and we know how to beat them.”

As for the Warhorses, the season leading up to their last game was certainly a good one. The players have time to look back on the season they had and prepare for the one ahead.

“It was a great experience to get another gold ball with my team mates,” senior Eric Trogden said. “I wouldn’t have wanted it to be with any other group of guys.”

For some, the regional tournament presented their last game, their last season. However, there is always another season to look forward to, and there is no doubt that both the Warhorses and Arabians will continue a tradtion of exellence on the court.