The truth about Ebola: Get the facts

Alyssa Schmidt, Staff Writer

Contrary to popular belief, Ebola is not as contagious as one may believe. Ebola can only be spread through bodily fluids. This means through the contact of fluids such as blood, sweat and saliva. While the Ebola outbreak runs ramped in places such as Africa, here in the U.S. the cases are much less severe.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ebola, previously known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic on the Congo. Although the natural reservoir host remains unknown, scientists believe it to be an animal-borne virus with bats as the most likely reservoir.

Although the Ebola virus is not a huge threat in the United States, if not treated properly, the virus can spread quickly. Ebola is only transmitted through the contact of bodily fluids. This includes but is not limited to: urine, salvia, sweat, feces, and vomit; objects such as needles and syringes may transmit the disease as well.

Symptoms for Ebola may appear 2 to 21 days after being exposed to the virus. The average is 8 to 10 days, but symptoms can occur up to 28 days after exposure. These symptoms include fever, muscle pain, abdominal pain, unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising), vomiting and severe headaches. However, contracting this virus in the U.S. is highly unlikely unless direct contact has occurred with a patient already diagnosed with Ebola.

Preventing Ebola is simple. Practice careful hygiene, don’t handle items that may have come into contact with an effected Ebola patient’s bodily fluids, avoid contact with bats (especially those from Africa), avoid travel to Africa (mainly West Africa). The most at risk are healthcare providers in the region where this virus is most common.

The small Ebola outbreak that has occurred in the U.S. is being contained quickly. Certain precautions are being put into place to help dismantle this outbreak swiftly and effectively. As mentioned above, this disease can only be transmitted through contact of bodily fluids so the nation at large is not at risk. For more information check out the official CDC website.