A Day in the Life: A Senior’s Last First Day

September 10, 2014

As you walk through the double doors, you begin a new chapter in your life. Its called high school, and right now you are at the bottom of the food chain or as the upperclassmen like to call, a fish.

You walk around the school not knowing where to go trying not to be a bother to the upperclassman or run into someone who might give you trouble. You say “Hello” to your teacher standing at the door and continue inside as you try to pick the right seat. If you choose the seats in the back you’re afraid of the people who might sit around you, but if you sit in the seats at the front of the class you are considered a nerd. So of course you choose the seat directly in the middle. You’re early because you don’t want to be late on your first day of school. So you sit there in silence as you wait for more students to come in and make the same difficult decision of where to sit.

Three years, multiple pep rallies, wake-up calls, and of course tests pass by and you are looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror getting ready for your last first day of high school. You keep having flashbacks to when you had your first math test, your first pep rally as you sat there in the upper left hand corner wishing you were down at the bottom of the stands. Images of when you got your medal for a team sport, or when you finally turned 16 and got your first car and where able to drive to school cross your mind. And even the time when you finally got to leave campus as a junior and didn’t have to eat the cafeteria food anymore! All of those memories come racing back, all leading up to this day. You realize that this is the year of the “last”, the last time you have to listen to all of your teachers go over the syllabus, getting your parents to sign all the papers they have been signing since you started pre-k, the last time you will have your first pep-rally, your last first home game where all of your friends are sitting together and wearing matching spirit shirts.

Or for some, the last first time you will step out on that field or court or track with your team or squad.

There are a lot of  “lasts” your senior year but there are plenty of things you can look forward to, no more STARR test, one more year with your friends, graduating, going to college or to the military or even just getting out of this town.

Everyone has their reasons to be sad, happy, or even both their last year of high school. High school is where majority of us find ourselves, and get more comfortable around new people. Looking back at the past years most will realize that you’ve made mistakes but they all lead up to your senior year and the new chapter that’s ahead of you.



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