Chevy Spotlight features Dylan Montes

Hot, dry, August days mixed with blood, sweat, and whistles signals the beginning of yet another football season in South Texas. This year for senior Dylan Montes, however, the season means a little more.

Last year Montes was diagnosed with spinalstinosis, which is a condition in which the bone around the spinal cord begins to close around the spinal cord and eventually has the ability to severe the spinal cord. Thankfully, it was found before it became a life altering condition.

“I had a laminectomy from my L2 through my L5,” Montes said. “Basically, they removed the bone so that it relieved the pressure on the spinal cord.”

Recovery for this type of surgery can be very difficult and frustrating, especially with a six-month recovery minimum.

“I was very fortunate to recover in 3 months, which is half the normal time,” Montes said. “That being said, the beginning was frustrating; I struggled to just get out of bed and put on shorts.”

The Chevy Spotlight is an award that recognizes student athletes that have overcome an injury or tough situation.

“I felt like Dylan was a good candidate for this award because he has always been so passionate about football and when he got the news, it crushed him,” head coach Chad Quisenberry said. “After the surgery, he wanted to come back immediately and he never stopped working hard.”

This type of injury has the potential to end a sports career for some patients. Even though Montes’s was caught in time, that impression was still left.

“The surgery was a reality check,” Montes said. “I never want to take football for granted again.”

Even the coaches noticed a difference in the mindset and attitude that Montes brought to the field.

“He had to invest so much to overcome to overcome this surgery,” Coach Quisenberry said. “It means a lot to him to get the most out of his senior year.”

Montes and the rest of the football boys will continue to work hard as the season begins to end. See them battle the Pearsall Mavericks at home on Fri. Nov. 7.