Fun with Mums
October 18, 2017
October tends to be the most stressful month for the floral design class. They learn how to design mums, take orders from classmates, and how to make a business plan.
“I love making the mums, but it’s stressful trying to keep up with everyone’s creativity,” floral design teacher Adrianna Segura said.
Even though making mums is a part of the floral design curriculum, students get to be creative by learning how to make a business plan. The business plan helps students learn how to price their product based off of wholesale prices.
“When making a business plan, you need to know what the materials cost in order to sell your product for the right amount,” senior Payton Prestenbach said.
All materials are ordered online or purchased from Travis Wholesale. The money that the class raises, goes to a floral design account, which is used for future projects. The mum’s prices start at $30 and go up depending on what the customer wants on it.
“It’s hard to stay focused, because there’s so many options to choose from and there’s a lot going on in the classroom,” senior Amanda Richardson said. “It’s also difficult to make sure you get the order exactly how the customer wants it.”
Not only is this a learning experience for students, but it is also a fun experience. Students get to input their own creativity and create what others want.
“I like getting to be creative and make something that the customer looks forward to,” junior Riley Hausler said.